Shipping and return policies for Jackson Place

Shipping Info
Via email, or electronic download. physical copies will be arranged on later date when the time comes. None of this music is for profit. But donation are grateful welcomed, and will go to serve the ever-present pursuit of sharing my love and consciousness through song.
Return Policy
All music released on this outlet are legal. This means, Either the rights of certain instrumentals used have been acquired with the producer's permission in written legal form. It is also true that some songs will be made organically and originally, it is also true that certain instrumentals have no copy write terms due to the fact that they are "free for use". It is true that all producer's have been contacted to acquire legal permission for usage of instrumentals, should the steps be needed. There is no piece of work released here that will be dishonest.. Everyone that was part of the process of each song will be recognized, an should any income be provided form any song all participants will be provided adequate wages for the role each participant had played in the creation process. Should any donations be made to my musical career directly, that will be treated thankfully and used only for the benefit of further musical pursuit, or prior arranged donation purpose. Thank you to all that listen to, or are part of the musical experience in the life I'm gifted with... -J.A.C.K.